Linkedin is one of the most potent social media marketing tools available to marketers and brands. Linkedin presents a unique opportunity by offering a mostly uniform age and professional demographic. 

Thus making the platform a darling of my businesses and professionals looking to increase their reach in their respective industry. It must be understood that it is important to leverage every bit of power Linkedin gives you and optimize it to the fullest. 

This optimization will not only help you create a credible presence online but also increase the chances of you getting ahead in your career.  

Start With The Basics

Optimization is a process of continuous labor to get the best results possible with a limited amount of resources. One thing where Linkedin has beat its bigger social media competition is how much optimizable profile real estate they offer. When you are making plans for LinkedIn social media marketing, you need to keep these basic things in mind for optimizations;

  1. Headline – Your profile headline is the first thing that pops up when people visit your page, make it snappy and to the point.
  2. Summary – This section is like a career overview, make sure to give out the best details of your career. 
  3. Experience – Many people make the mistake of repeating the same things they said in their summary section. Don’t do this, in the experience section you should share everything related to your field of work, that can be both leisure and professional pursuits.  
  4. Profile & Cover Picture – Always make sure to use a happy image of yours on as your profile picture, nobody wants to see a sad person working in their company. Use images that have at least 60% of your face in it. At last use a cover image that portrays your profile aesthetic. 


Linkedin is a social media platform, but it is also a potent search engine. Hence using SEO to drive traffic to your profile is a legitimate marketing strategy. But there’s one caveat, even though people use Linkedin as a search engine, they don’t think of it like that. 

Thus they don’t use terms they would use to search for the same business, service, or professional on Google. Like, people might use keywords like “web-development agencies in New York” on Google, but on Linkedin, they are more likely to use keywords like; “web-developers”.

Therefore businesses need to adapt to this change in SEO tactics and get ahead of the curve, by using social media-friendly SEO language.

Content Strategy

Linkedin content can be either accelerate your growth or stagnate it, there is no in-between. To succeed in the Linkedin content game you need to have a solid and comprehensive marketing strategy

One thing you must do is to diversify your content like; 

  1. Long-Form posts
  2. Images posts
  3. Video posts
  4. Blog posts
  5. Shared blog posts

This helps you keep things fresh and easy for the people engaging with your content on the platform. While doing Linkedin social media marketing it is important to understand the demographics and psychographics of your followers. This will help you better design content for them and increase the engagement rate. 

Rate of Engagement 

The great paradox of LinkedIn is that to get more engagement you need to engage more. Hence you need to keep your rate of engagement with the platform high. The more you are visible on Linkedin, the more likely Linkedin will push your name in feeds of your connections. 

When prioritizing Linkedin for social media marketing, make sure to engage with other people’s content on a personal level. This engagement not only creates goodwill in the community of your connections but also makes you seem more human to both Linkedin and its users. 

Data Analytics 

No matter how much optimization you do, you will yield no results if you don’t have any data. The cold hard numbers tell you a lot about what is working and what is not working in your social media marketing strategy. 

Running data analysis is an absolute must for businesses looking to gain steam on Linkedin and expand their reach in the professional niche. It is important to understand that the success and failure of your Linkedin marketing strategy depending on what works best for you and knowing what works best for you.

In Conclusion

Linkedin can be a great place to expand your horizon of connection inside a certain industry. Linkedin offers this advantage to both individuals and companies. Thus businesses must understand how the platform functions and adapts according to its nature. 

Linkedin in one of those platforms that get neglected the first when marketers or brands work on this social media marketing strategy. This apathy to Linkedin is not only bad but also actively harms the social media presence of your brand.

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