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6 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore!

Marketing is essentially the practice of pacifying the needs and wants of people before they know if they need or want anything.

Following the coming of the digital age in the late 1990s, the world has drastically changed. In the past two decades, the world around us has changed much more than the past hundred years before that.  

A fundamental change in society means a necessary shift in marketing. Now in the age of digital, make sure to understand the complete digital marketing solutions here are marketing trends you can no longer ignore.

Artificial Intelligence 

With the rise of personal electronics, such as; ‘smartphones, smartwatches, etc’. There has been a tremendous rise in the amount of data being created in the human-system interactions

With the advancements made in big data and targeted analytics, customer acquisitions for businesses have been revolutionized. It is in this revolution we find the true potential of the usage of Artificial Intelligence for marketing. 

With no extra cost or effort from the digital marketer. AI-equipped with big data insights can provide you with complete digital marketing solutions. AI understands your users and hence uses specialized and behavioral ads which increase the chances of them clicking it.

Influencer Marketing

For the uninitiated Influencer Marketing can sound intimidating. Little do people know, that Influencer Marketing is the renewed version of the oldest trick in the book.

Think celebrity endorsements, now take an average joe on the internet that happens to create content that has enabled him or her to have a tremendous following. 

So you have an individual on the internet with a large following, who is more than willing to partner with your brand. The collaboration between brands and digital personalities is called Influencer Marketing. An Influencer is a digital content creator who happens to influence his or her following.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are a clever marketing technique that can be deployed for any service or product. Businesses send both promotional and transactional messages. Promotional messages are the ones sent out to advertise a product or service to increase sales. Transactional notifications are sent to alert the customers of their order status, etc. 

There are two types of push notifications:

  • Mobile Notifications – Are pop-up messages sent by the mobile app to its users. In all other aspects, they are similar to Brower notifications.
  • Browser Notifications – They are alerts sent out to the visiting customer different sorts of information. Businesses can use this type of alert to notify its users of sales, events, promos, news, etc. 

Content Driven SEO

With the coming of Google Panda, Google completely changed the SEO game. Now to improve Google ranking you are required much more than stuff your blog or article with keywords. Now your SEO needs to evolve and become a better version of itself. 

Content Driven SEO is the future of general SEO. What this presents to businesses is a tremendous opportunity to up their content game and gain an edge in their google rankings.

Quintessentially driven by the quality of the content you are giving your user, it is vital for modern businesses to rethink their content strategy.  

Multi-Channel Marketing 

Multi-Channel marketing alludes to the practice of brand-customer interaction using an amalgamation of direct and indirect methods. 

These methods include but are not limited to; ‘websites, brick & mortar stores, email, mobile apps, social media, etc. 

In multi-channel marketing, you are utilizing an array of complete digital marketing solutions that work together to enable a particular response from the customer.

User-Generated Content

User-Generated content has become the corner-stone for increasing brand trust among customers. As 98% of customers trust organic content than traditional methods of marketing. 

One factor for the popularity of UGC is that brands usually don’t pay for them. Created by fellow users, UGCs are unbiased and relevant to other users of the platform, product or service. 

User-Generated content also helps you improve Google ranking. Reviews, images on social media, comments, etc. are common examples of UGC.

In Conclusion

They say; ‘ignorance is bliss’. I disagree, at least in the matters of digital marketing. For the businesses of today, not keeping up with current marketing trends only means one thing worse than death, that is fading into oblivion.

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