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Here’s Why PPC is Crucial for Your Ecommerce Store

Why you should not miss out on PPC Marketing for your store

You know those sponsored advertisement that you see above your google searches, that’s pay-per-click advertising. Even if you do not have an ecommerce store, it is quite logical and obvious that your store will need shoppers. These shoppers in turn will bring in the revenue. Now, here’s the million dollar question- “How do you expect to woo these visitors?”

Did you just say SEO?
Seriously, you are going to go with SEO!

Not to discourage, but do you know that there are more than 200 factors that decide SEO of a website. That’s not even the hard part. Hard part is the ambiguity around these factors. Google has never disclosed list of these factors. Even if somehow, miraculously, you learn all of them, do you think you are going to beat organic searches of other stores who have been doing the same for ages?
Don’t be naive! Understand and harness the power of PPC ads to your benefit.

What’s PPC?

PPC, or pay-per-click advertising is an internet advertising program that can bring in the traffic to your website in a quick span of time. You need not worry about the word “pay” as PPC ads don’t cost a fortune. They are simple, effective and cheap!

PPC for Ecommerce 42works

Now to get you started, let us just clear the air around PPC Marketing. Be it Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Linkedin Ads or Pinterest Ads – all of these are classified under PPC advertising. For that matter, any ad campaign where you need to pay each time whenever a person clicks on your sponsored link comes under PPC.

Why Should You care?

If you are in ecommerce business, you know how difficult is to survive. In today’s cutting-throat business, you need to make sure that you stay on top of the competition. And that’s exactly where PPC ads come to rescue. You need shoppers and via PPC ads, visitors are directed to your link, it’s as simple as that.

On an average, companies utilising PPC ads experience a 90-105% more ROI compared to other companies

PPC benefits 42works

There’s a reason behind the meteoric rise of PPC ads. Firstly, you can target your own section of audience. Secondly, it’s cheap and allows to place sponsored link over the organic searches. This means prime spot for your ad placement which will bring in more traffic, increasing the chances of closing more leads. Besides, you need to pay only when a shopper clicks on your link.

Does that mean you should not focus on SEO?

No matter how effective PPC can be, your prime focus should always be SEO. Its just that SEO is not that much effective in the beginning cycle of your store launch. Going for PPC at that time will rake in more rewards. While PPC is taking care of the store shoppers, make sure that your website’s SEO goes hand in hand.


As your store starts building on the reputation and traffic, SEO will take over. With time, SEO will start attracting more visitors and that’s when you need to hit the brakes on PPC ads. With your SEO efforts bringing more results, start decreasing the amount you used to spent on PPC. Just make sure that you never stop your PPC ads campaign. Reduce the amount, run subpar campaigns- but PPC ads will make sure that your site continue to get a minimum of users. In case your SEO fails because of algorithmic change, you won’t have to start from square one.

Before we pen down this article, we hope it is very clear that PPC ads are the future staple of ecommerce stores. While you clearly understand the benefits of a good ads campaign, let us beware you that if these campaigns are not carefully implemented, they can also have a negative affect. If you do not know anything about PPC, we can help you. No matter whether you are a first-timer or an experienced marketeer, get your PPC ad campaign reviewed by our seasoned experts. Having handled several projects successfully, let us help you sell stuff.

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