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The Startup Hack: 4 Golden Rules for Creating Email Newsletters that Convert

Email marketing is dead!

Or is it?

From the past few years, this illusion has haunted the marketing world. But recent statistics showcase some other reality. 225.3 billion emails will be sent every day in 2017, a whopping 5% increase from the previous year.

The reason – 72% of consumers consider emails as the best brand communication channel. Yep! This elementary mode of ‘Get in touch’ is proving to be an evergreen weapon for brand awareness.

Let’s learn how to write the pitch perfect emails and conquer your customer’s undivided attention.

“W-H-W” is the new “WOW”

8 seconds is all you have to prevent your user from bouncing back, it is necessary for your mailshot to be as tempting as possible. Although experts think that email marketing is of no use but the reality is they fail to create an appropriate mix of content to personally target their subscribers.

To add the “WOW” factor to your emails, you first need to know the “W-H-W” of email marketing:

  • What to write?
  • How to write?
  • Whom to write?

Along with the above parameters, you need to understand your target audience because irrelevant content to your user is like cold murdering your marketing strategy.

To make things more clear, here are the 4 evergreen email marketing tips that will help strengthen your customer bond, forever!

The 4 Driving Wheels of Email Marketing in 2017

1. Interactive Emails

“To manage a system effectively, you might focus on the interactions of the parts rather than their behavior taken separately”

Russell L. Ackoff

Preach by these words if you want your email marketing strategy to hit the bull’s eye. Animated GIFs, videos, images and menus will help you create an interactive email base and boost your click through rate (CTR).

email marketing

Kate Spade used the same game plan when they introduced their new “Joanie” handbag collection. Their newsletters were twitched with color changing GIFs along with bright font which changes according to the model.

Not only it helped Kate Spade introduce their new line to their customers but also skyrocketed the sales.

2. Easy to Scan and Read

Stuffing your email with a footlong content will help you get more up and close with your users, right?

Well, the answer is a no… with a capital N!  

Recent researches have shown that 20 or fewer lines of text with three or fewer images results in the most number of CTR per email.

Taking a cue from the above, try and keep your email’s body succinct, concise yet powerful headlines and a few images – just like Reebok did!

ecommerce marketing

3. Personalization

Did you know that 18x more revenue is generated from personalized emails than the broadcasted ones!

So, why don’t you build one? No need to sweat it out. It’s easy!

All you require is a personalized sign up form for users’ details – age, name, job title, gender and utilize this database to create customized emails for them. And the reward – 41% higher CTR and 6X higher transaction rates.

email marketing

4. Place the Call-to-Action at the Top of your Email

Another thing that helps grab user attention and amplify your conversion rate is the right use of a call-to-action (CTA). Emails containing even a single CTA can boost your clicks and sales by 371% and 1617%, respectively.

But how can you analyze the best position for CTA? Bring in A/B split testing! It will not only help optimize your CTA but may also help you transform the traffic into qualified leads.

The Bottom Line

Even though the changing customer attitude is transforming the marketing landscape, but these tips have stood the test of time. They have proved to be the morse code to an evergreen email marketing paradox and can help you expand your subscribers and customer base.

Planning to start your own email marketing campaign? 42Works is always here to help!

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