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5 Reasons your Website has Crappy SEO and Will be Punished by Google

Tell me if this has ever happened:

You built a website. You pour in a lot of time and dedicated efforts. Money too. You search a lot about SEO and others things that will increase your website’s rank quickly. You research keywords, start writing a lot of articles followed by posting them on social media platforms. Now, you wait.

And you wait.

And you wait a little more.

All you wanted back was the respect that your hard work deserved. That thousands of visitors start landing on your site too. You keep saying this to yourself, ‘Was that too much to ask?’. Well, It certainly wasn’t. But, there is one thing you need to understand. That too carefully!

With Google on its uncompromising mission to provide the best to its visitors, you just can’t afford to make mistakes. One mistake and you can be penalized. All the efforts and hard work of yours will mean for nothing. YES, ALL OF IT! That sounds scary? Doesn’t It?

Don’t Worry, We have good news for you.

Our expert team @42Works understands your problem. We are here to help. We have not only recognized the 5 most common mistakes, but have also tried to enlighten you in much detail.

Have a closer look. Are you making one of these blunders?


1. Duplicate Content

Go back to your school. I want you to remember those exam days. Tell me honestly, Have you ever copied someone else’s sheet? YES, you have. It was easy & it still gave you the grades you were targeting.

But then It was all fine. In blogging world, it is considered sins of all sins. Saying that duplicate content harms your website would be an understatement. Duplicate content doesn’t harm, it devastates. Doing the same would be like clicking a self-destruction button yourself. But still everyone continues to make the same old mistake.

duplicate content

Proven in studies,”About 25-30% of Internet’s content is duplicate content
Even facts prove my point. About a quarter of internet’s content is copied. Make sure you don’t fall into that category.


2. Over stuffing keywords

There is nothing worse than killing your content with your own hands. ‘But, I don’t do that’, you say to yourself. Well, you sure do. Let me explain.

Our Services are best. Our Services are best.
Our Services are best. Our Services are best.
Our Services are best. Our Services are best.
Our Services are best. Our Services are best.

In order to get more visitors to a specific targeted keyword, you keep overstuffing them in your article, mingling words here and there. You don’t even check your keyword density. Later, you realize what you did up there. Yes, I was making a point & I hope you got that. This is exactly how your article looks. Make sure that you do not repeat the same keyword again & again


3. Ignoring Analytics

They say, ‘Ignorance Is Bliss’. Well it isn’t. Certainly not in blogging world. You need to know everything related to your website & its performance. You may choose to ignore one or two things, but ignoring analytics can be as dangerous a mistake as one can possibly make.

ignoring facts

Seriously, how can you make progress if you are not evaluating your website? How will you improve if you don’t know which areas are to be worked upon? Why opt hard work when you can do smart work.

Make sure that both Google Analytics & Google Webmasters Tools are configured with your website. Work on the keywords that are producing a lot of traffic. Keep working & you will see sunshine at the end of the Analytics graph.


4. Avoiding Unique Title Tags for each page

Having common title tag for every page of your website is too common a sight. It is like locking yourself up in the stone age in 21st century. You must have separate title tags for all pages.

Unique title tags are important because they separate your website from the rest. They describe your website’s niche to Search Engine, thus very helpful in SEO purposes. Let me explain with an example:

What’s going on:
Home Page- PQR | best web development company.
About Page- PQR | best web development company.
Services Page- PQR | best web development company.

What should be there:
Home Page- PQR | affordable web development company.
About Page- PQR | best web development company
Services Page- PQR | our web development company offers website designing, SEO etc.


5. Buying Links

Although backlinking affects very less of your SEO nowadays, but it still can put your website in bad light. Do not forge the link-building process. You cannot fool Google. Just can’t. Don’t even argue. Without any hesitation, they will penalize your website & you’ll never ever rank the same.

What you need to do is get rid of this thought that number of backlinks matters. It is not quantity over quality. It never was & it never will be. Focus on building quality links only & your website’s performance will start improving.


Gist of it all:
Well, that doesn’t sound easy. Saying that you can learn SEO in a couple of weeks would be a lie. It take ages to learn and master SEO tips & tricks.

According to seositecheckup, ”There are 200+ factors that decide your website’s ranking.”

How much time would you need to master all these? If you haven’t taken into account, remember that its not about learning them but about successfully implementing them.

Well, You are still here. It implies only one thing— that you are struggling to rank your website on Google.

Sorry if we’ve dissuaded your determination. But, don’t you worry. What you need is a partner that will handle all of your web problems & will bring results. That is exactly where we’re helpful. Our team @42Works has successfully worked on 100+ projects in less than 15 months.

We are not saying that you won’t achieve success without us. You may. But is that a risk worth taking? Think over. Contact us if you we can assist you in any manner.

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