With 2020 just over a one month old, Google has decided to roll out new updates. The recent updates Google made were to its Search Console platform. During December last year, Google had made a few updates to its Search Console. 

But this recent update is different than the previous ones. This update by Google is set to make SEM-driven website designing easy for developers and site owners. 

The recent update to the Google Search Console is the introduction of a new tool. This new tool is a new and updated version of the helpful Removal Reports on Google Search Console.  

Why Removal Reports Are Important For Good Website Designing  

Removal Reports play a critical role in the website designing process of a site that is optimized for SEM. On the Google Search Console, removal reports worked as website maintenance and housekeeping tool. From a WordPress developer to an online marketing company, anybody can use Removal reports to conduct basic maintenance of their websites. 

For example, the following points illustrate a few critical roles played by Removal Reports: 

  • Hide web-pages from appearing on Google search (Temporary). 
  • Monitor your website’s content-pages for any ‘Adult-Content’ flags.
  • Monitor and remove old and outdated URLs and web-pages out of your website. 

How Does The New Update Impact Your Current Website Designing? 

As specified in the previous point, Removal Reports play a critical role in website maintenance. As a result of the recent update made to the collective tool, now the question arises, how does the new Removal Reports affect your current website designing? To correctly answer this question, we need to look at the three core functions of Removal Reports and how they have changed since the update.  

The following points detail the three fundamental functions of Removal Reports:

#1 Temporary URL Removal

With Removal Reports, you can have specific URLs and pieces of content removed from Google search temporarily. To conduct content removal, you need to send a temporary removal request to Google with the specific URLs that you want Google to remove from its search index. This tactic is a quick and temporary fix, mainly used during the website designing or marketing phase. 

Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog

If the content removal request is approved by Google, that specific URL gets hidden from Google Search for six months. Generally, six months is more than enough for an online marketing company or developer to solve a problem. 

#2 Content Updation 

When you operate a large website with multiple variations of content types, you run the risk of having stale content. What is stale content? The answer lies in the name itself, content that no longer holds relevance, accuracy, etc. is stale & outdated. Having outdated content can damage your SEO and search index ranking. 

 Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog

Thus you must keep your website content updated with removal reports. Another key aspect of content updating is that anybody can request outdated content to be updated on Google search. Therefore, you get a user-perspective insight into your website designing

#3 SafeSearch Insights 

Google Search Reports removal reports also provide you with SafeSearch filtering insights. Being able to see your website’s history and its content filtration is a big advantage in your SEM-driven website designing

Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog

With SafeSearch filtering insights, you get to know if any visitor has flagged your content as ‘Adult-content’. Developers can also submit certain web-pages of their website to be filtered through SafeSearch. 

Our Take 

With the new & updated Google Search Console tool, SEO experts, website owners, developers, etc. can now rapidly edit and update their websites on Google. As a result of this newfound speed, SEM-centric website designing becomes easier. 

A business that wants to have a robust website with great SEM-centric traits should partner with a vertically integrated web development & online marketing company

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