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Search Engine Optimization Tips: 4 Social Media Practices that Boost SEO

An SEO friendly profile on social media plays a major role in improving visibility online. Try to be as descriptive as possible when filling out the “Information” and “About” section on your social media profile. Be sure to use phrases and words that best describe the business. This makes it possible for search engines to catch these when a search is entered.

Remember to include necessary information such address, state, city, and zip code when filling out your Facebook page. This is particularly important for local searches.  You could include links to your business to increase exposure as well.

#1. Publish optimized Social Media updates/content

All posts, tweets, pin descriptions, and Facebook updates need to be keyword optimized for the business. Sharing keyword optimized content on Facebook and Twitter also makes it easier for Google to index the content, hence increased visibility to the site. You should, therefore, consider sharing content already published on your website on these social channels to give it an SEO boost as well.

#2. Make use of Google+ (Be active on it)

If you aren’t on Google Plus already, take a few minutes to sign up. Be sure to fill up every field in the sections, and most importantly, the ‘About’ section.  Unlike other social channels, Google Plus allows you to include a link or two to your profile.

You could add a link to your business website or blog on the profile for more points. Aside from signing up with Google Plus, spend at least 10 minutes of your time every day do create/publish content on the page. Doing this creates an avenue for the info to show up in Google’s SERPs.

#3. Create a Google Plus local listing

Google+ listing enables search engines (e.g. Google) to find local businesses with ease. Creating a listing on the same therefore gives your business a 97% chance of being found when a search is entered on a local search engine.

Search Engine Optimization tips

Any good local SEO services will recommend updating the details appropriately for customers to connect with the business easily. Some of the details you should include in the listing are a phone number, working hours, and business address.

#4. Enable content sharing

Link building is a key factor in search engine optimization. Google values website to website relationships, which is why you need to allow content sharing from one site/blog to the other.  

The links created, however, need to be live and working; otherwise, this would have an adverse effect on the page’s rankings on search engines. Accepting links from other quality and similar websites, as well as linking to them as well is, therefore, good for SERP ranks.

About the Author: Stephen Ball is the author of this guest post.

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