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Mobilegeddon: Google’s newly found love ranks mobile-friendly sites higher

Is your present website mobile-friendly? If not, cross your fingers as your life turns upside-down with Google’s Latest Apocalypse: Mobilegeddon. 

In case you are wondering why we are asking this, let us tell you a little about Google’s latest update. The way we access the web is going to change. To get you started, Google has changed its mobile search algorithm affecting from this 21 April 2015. From now, the websites that are mobile-friendly and perform better on mobile screens will be ranked higher. 

mobilegeddon 42works

With 60% of online traffic being generated by mobile devices, Google has rolled out its latest algorithm that will redefine mobile search ranking procedure. The change may not come as surprise to a few as Google has been promoting and favoring mobile-friendly website for quite some time now. 

With this update, Google has again created huge waves by sending a clear message- “Get Mobile-Ready or Get Down”. With a lot of websites having slow loading speed and text too small for mobile phones, they should embrace themselves to feel the heat. These websites can expect a reduction in both their rankings and online visitors. European union, Dominos and Microsoft are amongst the giant names that will surely feel the hit of Mobilegeddon.

Mobile Friendliness

With mobile-users on a record high, Google’s update will make sure that only the mobile-optimized websites with quality content make it to first page search results. To ensure that their aim is fulfilled, Google has included Mobile friendliness as a factor in latest algorithm.

Mobile friendly mobilegeddon

Google had recently dropped the hints regarding Mobilegeddon when they released a step-by-step guide for websites allowing them to prepare for the big change.

Things you must know about Mobilegeddon

  • Applicable only on mobile searches:This latest algorithm affects changes in only the mobile searches. The desktop and tablet searches will be monitored by other algorithm itself.
  • Affecting raw searches only: The algorithm affects only raw searches. So the video searches or the searches that features other types of result need not worry.
  • Relief for Mobile unoptimized website: Your website may rank higher even if it is mobile unoptimized. Such a case will occur only if the quality of your website’s content is considerably higher than that of mobile-friendly websites. 

mobilegeddon test

With the help of Google’s quick tool, you can also check whether your website’s mobile friendliness is up to the standards required by Google or not. All you have to do is enter your website’s name and then let Google do all the things. A green signal here implies that your website is good to go. In case your website is not up to par, the tool will even highlight the gray areas where you need to improvise to make your website mobile-friendly.

google mobilegeddon

Considering the dominance that google possesses in search engines industry, make sure that your website ends up on the good side of tech giant. Just go through all the parameters and ensure that your website is in line with this latest update of Google.

Like it or not, Google’s update encourages mobile-friendly website. In case you are looking for developing mobile-compatible website, 42works can help. Hundreds of others have benefited from our expert team of developers and designers. We possess the right work experience and required knowledge to deliver a mobile-friendly website beyond our client’s expectations.

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