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WordPress 101 – Tips, Tricks, & Hacks: How To Install Facebook Buttons?

WordPress is the go-to Content Management System destination for novice and experienced bloggers alike. The reason behind this choice is simply the fact that WordPress’s functionality is unmatched. No other Content Management System provides the level of feature list and quality that WordPress does. Add to that the fact that you can customize pretty much everything on WordPress to suit your needs. This has given rise to a large WordPress community spread across the world. 

Bloggers who have websites powered by WordPress are at an advantage. But that shouldn’t mean bloggers stop upgrading and adding functionality to their website.

A modern blogger needs to integrate social media with their blog. Therefore the addition of social media makes it much easier for prospective netizens to stumble upon your blog.  

WordPress Hack – How To Install Facebook Buttons?

For example, a blog that has an integrated Facebook like button has a much higher chance of generating user-engagement from Facebook. Therefore, if you also want to generate a consistent amount of user-engagement, then you must also add Facebook buttons into their blog.   

If you also want to add Facebook like button into your blog, then worry not as we have a hack that will enable you to do the same. The following steps elaborate on how you can add the Facebook buttons to your blog:  

Step 1 – Go to the Facebook developer’s website and go to the ‘Like Button Configurator’ section.  Use the configuration section to customize the Facebook button according to your needs.

Step 2 –  Once you preview how your Facebook button looks, you can click on the Get Code button to get the code snippet. 

Note  – Remember you will get two code snippets under the JavaScript SDK tab.

Step 3 – Add the first code snippet to your WordPress theme’s header.php file, then add the second code snippet to your WordPress theme’s template file. 

Step 4 – Save the changes, and voila you have a Facebook like button on your blog!


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