The race for Core Web Vitals (CWV) dominance among Content Management Systems (CMS) just got interesting. While a clear leader has emerged, a recent twist has thrown a curveball at the performance of nearly all major platforms.

Core Web Vitals Technology Report

The Core Web Vitals technology report reveals that five out of six popular content management systems (CMS) performed worse in April 2024 compared to the start of the year. Real-world performance data from HTTPArchive offers clues about this downward trend.

According to the HTTP Archive, the measurement focuses on individual web pages, typically the homepage, rather than entire websites. This method closely aligns with the CWV assessment in PageSpeed Insights.

Analyzing Core Web Vitals Data

Core Web Vitals (CWV) rankings combine real-world and lab data. Real-world data comes from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), and lab data is sourced from the HTTP Archive public dataset. This data helps create the Core Web Vitals technology report, which measures mobile and desktop performances across various CMS, providing insights into JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and image weight data.

Scores reported as percentages, indicate the proportion of website visits that resulted in a good CWV score. Here’s a look at the top-performing CMS for CWV:

  1. Duda- 71%
  2. Squarespace- 58%
  3. Drupal- 54%
  4. Wix- 52%
  5. Joomla- 43%
  6. WordPress- 38%

Top Core Web Vitals Performance

Duda emerges as the leader in CWV performance, with 71% of website visits achieving a good CWV score. This places Duda 13 percentage points ahead of the second-place CMS, Squarespace, which scored 58%. Duda’s strong performance can be attributed to its focus on creating optimized sites for agencies and developers.

Squarespace, Drupal, and Wix follow closely, with WordPress and Joomla trailing behind. Despite being in sixth place, WordPress showed resilience with a minimal performance drop of 0.71 percentage points, thanks to continuous performance enhancements in its recent updates.

WordPress: Faster But Hindered by Other Factors

WordPress, despite ranking last among the six, managed a relatively stable performance. The release of WordPress 6.5 in April 2024, featuring over 100 performance improvements, helped mitigate a more significant decline. Its Lighthouse CWV score returned to 35% in April after a dip earlier in the year, reflecting the impact of these updates.

However, increases in page weight and image size contributed to its overall flat performance. The average page weight for WordPress sites increased by 11.44 bytes from January to April, and the average image size grew by 49.5 kilobytes, indicating areas for further optimization.

Performance Drops By CMS

Examining performance drops shows a curious trend: four out of six CMS saw significant drops. Here are the drops in performance by percentage points:

  • Wix: -7.11
  • Duda: -5.41
  • Joomla: -2.84
  • Drupal: -2.58
  • WordPress: -0.71
  • Squarespace: +3.92

Interestingly, Squarespace was the only CMS to show improvement, with a performance increase of +3.92 points.

Interaction To Next Paint – INP

A key factor in the performance shifts could be the adoption of Interaction To Next Paint (INP) as an official Core Web Vital in March 2024. INP provides a more comprehensive measure of user experience than the previously used First Input Delay (FID), potentially contributing to the observed performance dips.

Core Web Vitals Scores – Takeaways

  • Duda remains the top performer in CWV scores.
  • Squarespace, Wix, and Drupal are closely matched.
  • WordPress shows minimal performance decline, thanks to continuous improvements.
  • INP’s adoption might explain some performance changes.

Despite the fluctuations, all platforms demonstrate ongoing enhancements, reflecting the industry’s commitment to improving user experience and performance.

Explore the HTTP Archive Core Web Vitals report here.

Stay Updated with 42Works and Leverage Our Expertise

Want to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to Core Web Vitals and website performance? 42Works is here to help! We are a passionate team specializing in optimizing websites built with various CMS platforms, including WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and more.

Here’s how 42Works can empower your website:

  • Core Web Vitals Audits: Our in-depth audits analyze your website’s performance across all CWV metrics, pinpointing areas for improvement.
  • Performance Optimization: We implement strategic optimizations to enhance your website’s speed, responsiveness, and overall user experience.
  • CMS-Specific Expertise: Our team possesses a deep understanding of leading CMS platforms, allowing us to tailor optimization strategies for your specific website.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: We continuously monitor your website’s performance and provide ongoing maintenance to ensure sustained success.

By partnering with 42Works, you gain a reliable partner dedicated to keeping your website performing at its peak.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • What are Core Web Vitals (CWV)?

Core Web Vitals is a set of three metrics that Google prioritizes for a good user experience: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

  • Why is website performance important?

Fast-loading websites not only improve user experience but also rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

  • How can I improve my website’s Core Web Vitals scores?

There are several ways to improve CWV scores, including image optimization, code minification, caching implementation, and leveraging a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

  • Can 42Works help me improve my website’s CWV scores regardless of the CMS I use?

Absolutely! Our team is well-versed in optimizing websites built on various CMS platforms.

Ready to take your website’s performance to the next level? Contact 42Works today for a consultation!

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