One of the biggest reasons why WordPress is so popular with the website development community is due to its modularity. WordPress, out of all the Content Management Systems in the market today, supports the highest number of website themes. That is not all, as pretty much all these themes are highly customizable and easy to use.
Now you as a website owner can create your website out of the hundreds of suitable WordPress themes. A question arises, how do I customize my theme to my individual needs? How do I add custom CSS sheets to my WordPress theme? How do I make my WordPress website look exactly the way I want it to look like?
How To Add Customized CSS File?
Trust us when we say this, you are not the first person to be plagued by such questions. Therefore we have prepared a hack that is meant to help not only you, but the countless others who seek the same answer.
The following steps detail the WordPress hack on how you can add custom CSS files to your theme:
Step 1 – Add & Create a special CSS file and name it custom.css
Step 2 – Add the following code to your CSS functions file:
function custom_style_sheet() { wp_enqueue_style( 'custom-styling', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/custom.css' ); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_style_sheet');
Step 3 – Remember to keep the newly uploaded CSS file on the same directory as the main CSS file