With smartphones being omnipresent, there is one perennial question that continues to trouble marketers- ‘Is the era of business cards dead?’ With everything around us going digital, Is it really worth printing cards again?

Somethings are golden and they last for eternity. Business Cards, if not only, is definitely one of such thing. We can bet hands down that the age of business cards will never doom. They are handy, professional, cheap and amongst one of the powerful tools of branding.

Roadmap to numerous opportunities, make sure that you never choose to underestimate the power of these cards. Read the 5 compelling reasons below, on why your should not only print business cards, but also keep them handy with you. Here’s the list:


Professional First Impression:

The goal of making a great impression remains same with every meeting. Business cards act as an ice-breaker and help a lot in making that long-lasting first impression. These 3×3 inches cards lend credibility and professionalism to your business. Well-designed business cards may actually fuel a conversation. They are very helpful as just a glance of them brings back your brand’s image in memories.

Touch of Personalization:

Business is all about making contacts. Now, which one of the two cases will you remember more? The one where someone contacts you on your email or a person you personally met.

We agree that LinkedIn and other networking platforms are doing a great job in connecting people. But it is still not as good as a one-on-one meeting sealed with a business card exchange and a handshake.

Shows your preparation and professionalism:

Does the below scenario sound familiar?

You are at a meeting or a conference. It’s going great. Then the other party offers you their business card. What do you do? What if you don’t have one? You certainly won’t want a potential deal to end just because you didn’t had a business card with you.

Imagine one more situation.

Have you ever seen a person who wrote his contact details and handed it over to you on a napkin? How about a person searching for a pen just because his phone battery was dead? Having yourself loaded with business cards makes sure that you look prepared and always meet your potential clients in a professional manner.

Budget Friendly:

We can assure you that business cards are one hell of an investment. Not only are they inexpensive and budget-friendly, they are worth every cent. Believe it or not, they continue to be the easiest and fastest way to share contact information. It is undoubtedly one of the most inexpensive investments and will take your business a long way.

Sometimes old-fashioned works your way:

With smartphones being omnipotent and easy to carry, you’d still know some of those old souls who keep themselves at a distance from smart technology. They are not tech-savvy and like things in their old-fashioned manner. Though these people are scarce but they do exist and can prove to be effective potential customers for your business.

An essential tip that is bound take you a long way— Don’t Go Over the Top. Realize that your business card is the face of your company. You won’t want it to be associated with cheap design or quality. Take the road less travelled. Be creative and make sure that it reflects what you actually do.

In case you don’t already have a business card template for your company, you know better now. Even if you have one, make sure that you don’t pass them like candies. It is very important to associate some value with your cards.

So there you have it folks! 5 reasons not to give up on your business cards yet, or for that matter ever. With everyone keeping one with them, you surely won’t want to stay behind your competitor. Share your thoughts about whether using business card is one of the most effective marketing tool or not?

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