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5 Traits Of A Good Android App Development Company

The Google-owned Android Operating System has total market domination, with nearly 90% of the smartphone market share. Any business that wants to reach more potential customers/users, therefore, must be on the Android native platform

The essential question that complicates the lives of modern businesses is how to choose a good android app development company? For instance how to know if a development agency is capable of wire-framing, designing, and developing an android app?  

Therefore to aid you on this quest we have carefully curated 5 basic traits all good android app development companies share.

The 5 Traits Of A Good Android App Development Company

The following five points detail the qualities of a skilled and experienced android application development company: 

#1 Language Proficiency

Any mobile application development company that wants to call itself a good android app development company must have mastery over its core languages. Android started as an open-source project therefore it has many different languages that support its architecture. 

For example JAVA, XML, Kotlin, C & C++ are a few prime examples of android centric languages with JAVA being the official language of the Android ecosystem. 

Having a clear & uncluttered understanding of all these languages is fundamental for good app development. The following are a few basics of JAVA that any Android development company must know.

  • Programming Environment 
  • Syntax   
  • Comments
  • Variables
  • Data Types
  • Reserved Words
  • Operators
  • Control Statements 
  • Decision Making
  • Loops

#2 Understanding Of Development Tools 

Android app development is not a crude process. As a result, the development of android apps has a certain finesse attached to them. A good android app development company will most definitely be aware of such things.  

The majority of the app development process takes place in a highly automated Integrated Development Environment or IDE. The most popular of such an IDE is Google’s own Android Studio. 

Along with an IDE comes support platforms, for example like Gradle, MAVEN, Ant, etc. Learning all of these platforms is an absolute must or any serious mobile application development company.

#3 Comprehension of Different Application Components 

An Android app development cycle is built up from different application components. These essential components form the backbone of the development cycle. Five fundamental application components run the development environment. Each of these application components is independent of one another and play a predefined role in the development process.   

Any android app development company that wants to claim the top stop must have a full comprehension of application components. Along with knowing the five fundamental application components. Therefore:    

  • Activities
  • Services
  • Content providers
  • Broadcast receivers
  • Activating components

#4 Taking The Right Development Decision

The android app development cycle is a multi-varied process that needs strong decision making to function properly. Not only do you need your development partner to be firm with their decisions, but also coherent and accurate.

An experienced android app development company will be communicative and understanding of the needs and requirements of its clients. It is the job of an app development company to solve the problems of their clients, be it in the development cycle or the designing process. 

#5 Compatibility With Previous Generation Of Android OS

Android is a divided market with various devices and OS versions. As a result, creating a product for Android is a complicated task due to how wide the playing field is. To create a robust product that offers the functionality you need to streamline the development but with a divided market that becomes difficult. 

Thus an android app development company that you partner with must have experience in solving such operationalities. Carefully accommodating difference in UI/UX processor power and OS compatibility is a task only an experienced android app development company can handle.     

In Conclusion 

The above five traits are what make a good mobile application development company. It is the absolute right of any business to choose the best when it comes to partnering with an android app development company.   

Having your app on the Google Play Store is a total power move when strategically done. Businesses of today’s time cannot have their online presence threatened by new and fresh native apps. 

Thus partnering with skilled and experienced native app development companies is something a modern business should do!

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